Ontario delegates to the just-concluded Eastern Canada Regional Conference in Sault Ste Marie Ontario voted unanimously to petition jointly with Quebec Provincial Aerie to ask the Eagles’ Grand Aerie to reverse its decision to dissolve the Region.
The decision to reassign Ontario’s Aeries to two other Regions was communicated to the Ontario Provincial Aerie in May (details are here).
Under the reassignment southern Ontario aeries (London Aerie 4060 and Toronto Aerie 2311) would become part of Eastern Region (with Delaware, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania). The northern Ontario aeries of Heyden-Goulais River 4061, Sault Ste Marie Aerie 3991 and Webbwood Aerie 4269 would go to Great Lakes Region (with northern Michigan and Wisconsin State Aerie).
All Quebec Aeries, meanwhile, would be reassigned to New England Region with aeries in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts/Rhode Island and Vermont.
The change was set to take effect with the 2015-2016 fiscal year.
Instead, however, Ontario delegates preferred to consult with Quebec Provincial Aerie about a joint petition asking that we remain together.
No Quebec delegates were present. Past Eastern Canada Regional President Bertrand Tetreault had planned to attend with Jean-Charles Raymond (Terrebonne Aerie) but Brother Tetreault was hospitalized after a traffic accident a week before the Sault Conference.
Delegates in the Sault decided to request spokespersons from Quebec to attend the Ontario Provincial Aerie Fall Conference in London ON October 3-4 instead, to consider a joint petition.
Part of the concern of delegates in the Sault was a feeling that reassigning Ontario’s aeries was a precursor to eventual dissolution of the Ontario Provincial Aerie returning its Local Aeries to the Michigan and New York State Aeries they were part of before the OPA was formed in 1995.
Attending the Sault Conference was Grand Trustee Dave Smith from Penticton, British Columbia.
As a new Grand Trustee he was not part of the original decision to dissolve the ECRC but would be part of considering any decision to reverse it.
He is also a Past President of the now-dissolved Canadian Conference of Eagles.
Coincidentally, Brother Smith was scheduled to attend a Grand Trustees meeting in Grove City OH immediately following the Eastern Canada Region Conference.

The Ontario Provincial Aerie and Auxiliary are the umbrella organizations for Ontario aeries (lodges) and auxiliaries of the Fraternal Order of Eagles. Ontario's Aeries are in Toronto (Aerie 2311), Sault Ste Marie (Aerie 3991), London (Aerie 4060), Heyden-Goulais River (Aerie 4061) and Webbwood (Aerie 4269). This blog is intended to support membership growth.
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At a general membership meeting held November 10, Sault Ste. Marie Aerie 3991 voted to accept the change made by the Board of Grand Trustees. This was first brought forward at a general meeting on October 27 but was tabled so the next meeting could be posted as to the voting on the changes.
ReplyDeleteThis is just another example of people voting on a motion for or against on an issue they know little or nothing about.Seems they may have voted on one persons ideology and not actual fact.